Predator Hunting 101
Predator hunting isn't too hard to get into. We cover the predator hunting basics, that will help you get started, and be successful.
Set Up An AR15 For Hunting
It isn’t difficult to set up an AR15 for hunting. In its standard form and most common chambering, the 5.56/223 Remington chambered AR15 is a great predator rifle. It can eve...
Solo Bear Hunt
While I didn't harvest the large bear I was looking for, I didn't want to pass up an opportunity to put some bear meat in the freezer.
Grouse Hunting
Grouse seem to have a particular affinity for clearings with tons of deadfall in them. They are fun to hunt, and tasty table fare.
Firearms and Fly Rods
Exploring open spaces during California's National Forest closures, hooking trout, and downing a few doves.
Turkey Vests for Turkey Hunting
Watch a few YouTube videos to get psyched for the spring turkey season, and you’ll think every hunter needs a turkey vest and decoys for turkey hunting. There are two camps of tu...